The Magic of Lassie (1978) Poster

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It's still cute
robert477023 October 2005
This film is defiantly hokey, but part of the reason I have a fondness for it is I saw it in Radio City Music Hall and the stage show featured Lassie, live and in person. Alice Faye also came out of a 25 year retirement to make this film. Her role before this was the Ann Margaret-Pat Boone remake of State Fair. Like the other poster said the great thing about this film is James Stewart, he makes the whole thing worthwhile. Debbie Boone was very popular at the time and there is actually a hard to find soundtrack album from this release. This film has not come out on DVD or even VHS as of 2005. I looked for it when I bought the Lassie box set of the television series.
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Favorable Family Friendly Fodder!
zardoz-1324 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"The Magic of Lassie" proves that you cannot teach Hollywood new tricks about an old dog. The famous collie, who has more sense than most humans, sets out to protect defenseless animals and return to her masters when she is unjustly taken away from them. "Lassie" movies and television shows are, of course, strictly formula entertainment. The plot and dogs are the same, with minor variations, only the human change. Indeed, this "Lassie" flopped so badly at the box office that James Stewart retired from acting and fans would have to wait until 1994 when "Cocoon: The Return" director Daniel Petrie made the new "Lassie" movie with Helen Slater of "Supergirl" fame. Since then a short-lived "Lassie" television series aired between 1989 and 1991, and director Charles Sturridge helmed "Lassie" with Peter O'Toole and Samantha Morton in 2005. "The Magic of Lassie" script by Jean Holloway of "Till the Clouds Roll By" from a story by Robert & Richard Sherman duplicates for the most part the classic story of "Forbidden Planet" director Fred M. Wilcox's "Lassie Come Home" with Roddy McDowall and Elizabeth Taylor, the first movie about "Lassie." Unquestionably, this "Lassie" entertains, but it lacks the pathos of the original as much as the production values.

This time around Lassie belongs to grandpa Clovis (James Stewart of "It's A Wonderful Life") who owns the Mitchell Winery in Northern California. Clovis' young grandson, Chris (Michael Sharrett of "Deadly Friend") and teenage granddaughter, Kelly (Stephanie Zimbalist of TV's "Remington Steele") live with him now because their parents are dead. The conflict begins when nasty old Jamison (Pernell Roberts of TV's "Trapper John"), a millionaire too rich and greedy for his own good, tries to buy up Clovis' property. Naturally, Clovis refuses to sell out. Before Jamison leaves, he crosses paths with Lassie and man's best friend growls at him. Ironically, it turns out that Lassie really belongs to Jamison. Jamison owned Lassie's mom, and Lassie was his pet puppy. Somehow, Jamison lost Lassie and Clovis adopted the compassionate collie for his Chris. Anyway, Jamison claims ownership and Clovis has no alternative but to return Lassie to the villainous tycoon. Indeed, the dastardly Jamison wants to change Lassie's name to Heatherbelle. Lassie, however, refuses to be a part of Jamison's plans and escapes from Jamison's Colorado mansion.

"The Magic of Lassie" becomes a series of journeys for our eponymous pup. Chiefly, Lassie sets out to return to Clovis and Chris. Clovis' grandson complicates matters when he runs away to Colorado to find Lassie. Not surprisingly, Clovis resolves to track down both Lassie as well as Chris. At fade-out, the Mitchells are reunited with everybody's favorite collie. "The Magic of Lassie" builds up a full head of steam, but squanders its momentum at fade-out. The pacing of the action is anemic and uneven. Holloway is largely to blame for these faults. It looks as if half-way through the filmmakers decided to change the focus of the plot. Everything turns on Lassie and her struggle to get home. The potential action of a clash between Clovis and Jamison over the former's vineyards and Lassie's role in that could have been more rewarding.

Credit must be given to "One Million Years B.C." director Don Chaffey for his very competent direction. The action moves swift and is pleasantly predictable. Among the film's few virtues is "Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry" lenser Michael Margulies' photography and camera-work as well as the rugged Utah scenery. The cast, including cameos by seasoned thespians Mickey Rooney, Alice Faye, Mike Mazurki, Gene Evans as well as the Mike Curb Congregation and Pat & Debbie Boone, is solid. Several musical interludes concisely highlight the film's themes without calling undue attention to them. Although it is far from being Oscar winning material, the G-rated "Magic of Lassie" provides ideal entertainment for children and grown-ups will invariably find it a refreshing change from the usual sex and violence in most films. Interestingly, the song "When You're Loved" received an Academy Award nomination for Best Song.
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The Old Dog Has Seen Her Day
bkoganbing14 January 2007
The Magic of Lassie was the beloved collie's last appearance on the big screen. Lassie was quite the box office draw in her day, but according to the box office the day had passed.

Not that the film is all that bad. Maybe if the Sherman songwriting team who gave us so many things for Walt Disney back in their day had produced something like what they did for Mary Poppins, The Magic of Lassie might be better remembered. But nothing like Chim Chim Cheree or Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious comes from this score.

James Stewart is raising a pair of grandchildren, Stephanie Zimbalist and Michael Sharrett. He's got an acquisitive neighbor in Pernell Roberts who wants to buy his land and Stewart won't sell. On that trip he spots Lassie and thinks Lassie might have been his dog who survived a fire in the kennel as a pup some years ago.

Roberts proves his case and Stewart reluctantly hands over the dog, but that doesn't sit well with young Sharrett or Lassie and they take off going a third of the country in different directions searching for each other.

Lassie and Sharrett run into all kinds of interesting people. From Lassie's point of view the film starts to look like a big screen version of the Canadian show, The Littlest Hobo. Sharrett proves to be a plucky lad, but he gets himself in a heap of trouble.

Of course this being a kid's film you know we're going to see a happy ending. Let's just say that in Lane Davies, a young lawyer who has eyes for Zimbalist, he proves handy to have around.

The Magic of Lassie marked Alice Faye's farewell screen appearance and it was also James Stewart's last starring feature film release as well. I was disappointed they did not share the screen. Mickey Rooney and Mike Mazurki as a wrestler and his trainer have a couple of laughs themselves.

Still though The Magic of Lassie did not do sufficient box office to interest anyone in any more films so far about the old collie.
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I loved the movie!
dorothyofoz-5552115 August 2017
Well I was ten years old when my parents took me to see The Magic of Lassie at Radio City Music Hall and I loved it because I loved Lassie and watched the t.v. show every morning. I thought it was a very good movie and I will always have that memory. My parents told me I started everyone crying. The acting was done very well in my opinion with a wonderful cast. I enjoyed the songs as well and looking back at that special memory I wouldn't change anything about the movie. It was a unique story and if the songs and the story made me cry it's because it had an emotional impact on me and I'm glad my parents took me because it's a memory I'll always treasure as they are both passed away. So maybe I'm biased because I've always had a special love for animals and I saw Lassie as my childhood hero, but it's okay because it was a positive experience for me.
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There's no magic for Lassie in this dull story...
Doylenf30 August 2006
When THE MAGIC OF LASSIE opened at Radio City Music Hall, I was foolish enough to believe it would be as heart-warming as some of the first Lassie films were. Not.

The story was abysmal, the songs by the Sherman brothers were way below their usual level, the characters were uninspired and JAMES STEWART and MICKEY ROONEY had both seen much better days.

Then too, I was interested in seeing what ALICE FAYE's contribution would be like, since she'd been absent from the screen for so many years and was always so fetching in her earlier roles at Fox. Alice too, was letdown by the foolish script and the unflattering photography. Another disappointment.

Nothing original here, nothing even remotely interesting for an adult to enjoy--and clearly, no magic present for anyone. You can skip this one without missing a thing.
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Fair story
calvertfan25 September 2002
This is basically a revamp of Lassie Come Home. James Stewart is forced into giving up the family pet when a sly neighbour says she belongs to him. He takes the dog from California all the way to Colorado but naturally she escapes and makes her way home, just as Stewart's grandson runs away to find her. It's all one big cross country adventure that just doesn't come off as well as LCH. The young boy is annoying, the songs are awful, and Mickey Rooney's cameo with a wrestler friend is just downright strange. But, James Stewart is a treat as usual, really the perfect grandfather. 7/10
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I don't mind it being old-fashioned. I just wish it was a better film.
mark.waltz7 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Sherman Brothers, Richard and Robert, had seen better days as songwriters than this sole Lassie musical, having one good song for Debby Boone that got an Oscar nomination and the rest that are instantly forgettable. The story itself is something that has been seen many times, a very rich man wants what he can't have, and he wants Lassie. He's already been trying to get Vineyard owner James Stewart to sell his land to him because he wants to build his own winery, and the very stubborn Stewart has refused. In fact, the rich man, Pernell Roberts, is so obnoxious in what he wants that he's instantly hissable and not at all interesting as the bad guy. When he decides to go after Lassie (who allegedly has a number tattooed inside his fur that indicates has he was one of the pups of a thoroughbred that Roberts once owned), he becomes the sort of mustache twirling villain that went out with cartoon characters Snidely Whiplash and Dick Dastardly.

Once in Roberts hands, he manages to get away, and Stewart's grandson goes on the run to look for him. Lassie encounters Mickey Rooney (as a prize fighting manager) and the kid gets assistance from Alice Faye as a kindly waitress who sings. In fact, everybody seems to have a reason to break into song at one point, and in Faye's case, much of the short song that she sings has a chorus singing over the lyrics with her. There are some Majestic visuals in the cross-country Trek or Lassie, the boy and Stewart who's looking for his grandson, and Stewart does have a few good zingers although a few of his lines are very corny. The emotions that occur when Stewart and his grandson catch up (while the kid is in a cattle truck) are eye rolling.

A secondary story involving a romance between Stewart's older granddaughter Stephanie Zimbalist and local attorney Lane Davies seems pointless. Michael Sharrett, as the grandson, would be no threat to the other pre-teen actors who were gaining success at the time. The script really needed to drop the songs and put better development into the characters, and make Roberts less despicable. The film's eye rolling moments really goes overboard with a young adult singing group singing "A Banjo Song" that is definitely a moment not to drink anything because your TV will be soaked by.a spit take how ridiculously silly it is. Lassie's bark is drowned out by other canines yowling over saccharine this is, more diabetes inducing than the worst Disney musicals and comedies of the previous decade.
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Very good lassie movie
The_Valley13 December 2002
I'm not a fan of the show or any other movies lol but I enjoyed this one. I found it to be somewhat entertaining. The songs are corny and some of the things you'll see in this movie are weird (especially if you're a movie buff and know actors and actresses) and if you have kids they will enjoy it. It's a good family movie. 8/10 stars
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It's a shame these old time stars didn't get better material.
planktonrules12 February 2023
"The Magic of Lassie" is a notorious film which bombed at the box office and which Siskel & Ebert hated on their weekly review show. However, despite this, I had to see it because it starred some wonderful actors from old Hollywood...such as Jimmy Stewart, Mickey Rooney and Alice Faye (among others). In the end, however, it turned out to be bittersweet...mostly because you can't help but think these fine old actors deserved better.

The plot to "The Magic of Lassie" is similar to the first Lassie film, "Lassie Come Home". Now I am not saying it's as good as the other film...just that there are similarities. It begins with a rich jerk-face (Pernell Roberts) trying to buy an old man's winery. But Clovis (Jimmy Stewart) doesn't want to sell...and the rich jerk-face insists he always gets what he wants. So, it's not surprising that he returns the next day....not to try to buy the winery but insisting Clovis' dog belongs to the rich jerk-face....and it had escaped many years ago. And, since the dog DOES have the tattoo that the jerk-face said would prove it was his, Clovis reluctantly gives the dog to him. Soon Lassie runs away because the guy IS a jerk-face and tries to find his way back home....many hundreds of miles away. And, like "Lassie Come Home", the doggy encounters all sorts of nice helpful people along the way.

The problem with this film isn't so much because it's derivative. Sure, it is a good example of 'been there...done that' but the bigger problem is the god-awful music which is incredibly schmaltzy. Surprisingly, it's written by the Sherman Brothers...who wrote some amazing music for Disney (such as the soundtrack to "Mary Poppins"). But it's just bad. As for the story, it's just okay and never really pulls the viewer into the story. Overall, it's just okay when it really should have been much, much better.
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Only good when James Stewart is in it
HotToastyRag29 December 2021
If James Stewart wasn't in this movie, I would have absolutely turned it off. But with his warbling voice, his tearing eyes, and his poor grandfatherly heart that kept getting broken, I couldn't turn it off. No matter how terrible it was when he wasn't on the screen - which was pretty terrible.

As happens in most Lassie movies, the beloved family dog is taken away from her home and has to find her way back. This one's story is extremely sad, so if you're watching it with little kids, you might want to reassure them that everything will work itself out. James Stewart owns a family vineyard in Glen Ellen and refuses to sell to wealthy tycoon Pernell Roberts. Out for revenge, Pernell claims that Jimmy's dog Lassie is actually his own and demands to take her back. Jimmy reveals that after his wife and child died, Lassie was the only reason for him and his grandkids to keep living - but Pernell is evil and takes the dog. When Lassie runs away from her new Colorado home, everyone tries to find her.

One staple in a Lassie movie is that she runs across colorful characters in little vignettes as she travels across the countryside. In this one, she sees Alice Faye in a diner, Mickey Rooney as a wrestler's manager, and the Mike Curb Congregation as they're singing songs in a park. Trust me, whenever James Stewart isn't on the screen, the movie is shockingly terrible. I don't know how all these big names got enticed to act in this movie, but obviously they were all embarrassed by the end result. Alice retired entirely, and Jimmy stuck to television where he wouldn't be so heavily criticized.

DLM Warning: If you suffer from vertigo or dizzy spells, like my mom does, this movie might not be your friend. When the little boy is running through the trucker parking lot, the camera swirls around a little that will make you sick. In other words, "Don't Look, Mom!"
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The songs are wonderful, as are Jimmy Stewart and Mickey Rooney
starcommand18 July 2005
If you love catchy, melodic songs (a couple of which could have been hits!), you will love this movie. The endearing performances of Jimmy Stewart and Mickey Rooney, both of whom sing, also make this a must-see for their fans.

The story and script is just OK otherwise, standard boy-and-his-dog adventure.

It's a shame that the soundtrack album has not been released on CD. I bought the LP on a whim, having not seen the film, and was struck by the high quality of the songwriting and performances. Highlights are "When You're Loved", sung by Debby Boone, which should have been a hit, "That Hometown Feeling" sung by Stewart (quite well for a non-singer), "Travelin' Music" sung by Rooney, and "Banjo Song" by the Mike Curb Congregation in one of their last recorded appearances.
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Very heartwarming/tearjerker
kellydrz15 September 2006
I LOVED this movie! I was probably 10 or 11 when I first saw this movie and I just cried and cried and cried. I didn't even have a dog when this movie came out and I was even afraid of dogs. But I even felt it when Lassie was taken away. Part of my appeal, too, was the soundtrack for this movie, which at the time, I thought was just great. I was very excited to actually recently find my favorite song from the movie (When You're Loved). And too, for some strange reason, I've always been a fan of Lane Davies and loved seeing him in this movie as well. I have told my daughter of this movie and we're planning on watching it tomorrow. I was not alive in the 50s to comment on Lassie then and Lassie now. All I know is it was a great boy/dog movie and it held my interest from beginning to end. This is definitely a family movie -- one I whole heartedly recommend. You will cheer, your children will cheer, and you will be closer for it.
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I grew up with Lassie
Theystillcallmebee2 January 2010
Unfortunately, this film came out at the time when families were really pulling apart and it seems that nobody wanted to sit with mom and dad and watch a family film. We grew up with a collie and, of course, what do you think her name was? I first saw this film on HBO and my good friend, a real hard core kind of person, was sitting with me bawling her eyes out! I have tons of Lassie movies and of course this was also added to my collection! I never get tired of Lassie, but then again, I grew up in the era of only three TV stations and we learned to appreciate what we had then. James Stewart did a fine job in this movie and because it was one of his last ones, of course I cherish it! Just watch it on a day you feel like crying; I guarantee it will bring the tears down your face....
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A movie starring Lassie and Jimmy Stewart...
winterberrycollies17 November 2023
Two beloved Hollywood icons, combined with a sweet story about the love of a boy and his collie, and you have a heartwarming movie! I loved this movie as a child, definitely one of my favorite Lassie movies. Jimmy Stewart's character is so similar to my favorite Uncle, it could have been based on him! Jimmy Stewart brings all his usual charm to the role. And the collie playing Lassie was just as well trained as all the other generations of collies starring in the role of Lassie. I wish they would release this movie on DVD, so new generations of children can discover the "magic!" I've been waiting years for it to be available!
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