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A big hit in London 125 years ago...and Charley's Aunt still is as a movie
Terrell-430 January 2008
This perennial chestnut by Brandon Thomas has been wowing audiences ever since it opened in London in 1882. Charley's Aunt has had numerous stage revivals and more screen versions than most people can remember. When Jack Benny took it on in 1941, nearly 60 years after the London opening, the movie turned into one of his biggest hits. Now, nearly 65 years since the movie opened, it remains one of the funniest, most good-natured and most antic farce comedies around.

Benny plays Babbs Babberley -- Lord Fancourt Babberley -- an aging student at Oxford in the year 1890. His two friends, Jack Chesney (James Ellison) and Charley Wyckham (Richard Hayden), are keen to marry, respectively, Kitty Verdun (Arleen Whelan) and Amy Spettigue (Anne Baxter). The girls are beautiful and sweet, and as shallow as tea saucers. But old skinflint Stephen Spettigue (Edmund Gwen), Kitty's ward and Amy's uncle, will have none of it. He will lose his income from Kitty's fortune when she marries. Then there is Jack's father, Sir Francis Chesney (Laird Cregar), who has inherited a title which has more debts attached than income. When the girls come to call on the two boys in their rooms at Oxford, it is essential that they have a chaperone. For reasons too complicated to explain, the chaperone, who was to be Charley's aunt, Donna Lucia (Kay Francis) from Brazil, has been delayed (but will shortly show up incognito). The boys blackmail their good friend Babbs to dress up as Donna Lucia and be the required chaperone. Ah, but then old Spettigue learns of Donna Lucia's wealth and decides to do some wooing of his own. Even Sir Francis, reluctantly conceding that an advantageous marriage would help the Chesney exchequer, decides to pursue Donna Lucia. And poor Babbs, now got up in a Victorian gown with corset, wig and fan, must fend them all off...over tea, in the garden, at dinner, by a garden pool, while trying to secretly smoke a cigar, while furtively trying to shave.

Will Jack win Kitty? Will Charley win Amy? Will old Spettigue receive a comeuppance? Most importantly, perhaps, will Babbs wind up marrying Sir Francis or the real Donna Lucia?

Benny plays Babbs with gusto and great timing, and spends most of his time in a dress. It's definitely a Jack Benny movie, but the play itself is so inherently ridiculous and funny, and so good-natured about every bit of stuffy Victorian manners and proper Victorian behavior, that it still works now as great light entertainment...just as the movie worked originally in 1941 and the play has worked for 125 years. I saw a regional production of Charley's Aunt some years ago; it really is a fast and funny farce, and depends heavily on the skill of the actor playing Charley's aunt. The movie, like the play, is funny and silly, and it does no harm.

In addition to Jack Benny, two actors stand out for me. Edmund Gwen as Spettigue provides a classic lesson in how to play farce; utterly serious with the kind of timing that comes from experience. For those who know of Gwen primarily as an avuncular and kindly old Santa Claus, his Spettigue should be a welcome relief. And then there is Laird Cregar, an immensely gifted actor. Cregar was only 25 when he played Jack Chesney's father. The actor who played his son was 31. Cregar was a big man -- 6'3" and 300 pounds -- who disliked the idea of being type-cast as a bad-guy; he longed to be a lead actor. He went on an unsupervised crash diet, quickly shed 100 pounds and shortly after, at 28, died of a heart attack. He made his first movie in 1940 and was dead four years later. He could be so vivid and accomplished on screen that critics still speculate on what he might have accomplished. The movies he was in may not all have been first-rate, but he tended to focus attention whenever he appeared. Two movies which were as good as his talent, in my opinion, are Heaven Can Wait (1943) and I Wake Up Screaming (1941). The Lodger (1944) also stands up well, as I remember it. And although Blood and Sand (1940) is something of a melodramatic stew-pot, Cregar stands out.

And perhaps one of these days the Frank Loesser estate, which I understand owns the rights, will release the 1952 movie Where's Charley?. The problem seems to be that the film, just as the stage production, is generally recognized as Ray Bolger's Where's Charley?, not Frank Loesser's Where's Charley?. Where's Charley was Frank Loesser's first Broadway show, produced in 1948. It featured career-defining performances for Ray Bolger as Charley Wyckham (who plays his own aunt) and Allyn Ann McLerie as Amy. There are some fine Loesser songs, including Once in Love with Amy and My Darling, My Darling. The movie may have its faults but it should be made available.
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Excellent English Farce
cajunrick7 July 2002
This is the type of classic movie that should be released on DVD as soon as possible! Fans of turn-of-the-century style English Farce will want to add it to their collection. Jack Benny is superb as is the rest of the cast of this black and white classic that must be seen to be appreciated. 20th Century Fox, PLEASE add this movie to your collection of classic films.
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Jack Benny at his funniest
blanche-26 November 2007
Jack Benny is "Charley's Aunt," in this 1941 film version of the famous play, one of several film re-creations that exist. Benny plays Fancourt Babberly, a somewhat older student at a British university in the late 1800s who, through a series of complications, winds up playing Donna Lucia of Brazil, the aunt of another student, Charley, because Charley and his friend Jack need a chaperone in order to have the dates they've planned. The late-arriving aunt is actually portrayed by the lovely Kay Francis, and wait until you catch the look on her face when she sees what's been impersonating her. As ridiculous looking as Fancourt looks in his drag attire, he manages to win the hearts of both the ward of one of the young women and the father of Jack Chesney, who pursue him relentlessly. Fancourt, meanwhile, finds the real Donna Lucia quite a strudel.

There's nothing like a man in drag for laughs, and when the man is Jack Benny, watch out! Benny, famous for his long takes, is delightful here, and what makes him even funnier is that every once in a while, he says one word or another with a British pronunciation in the middle of a sentence where he's using his typical American accent. It had to be on purpose.

The DVD of the film has a short publicity reel shown in theaters called "Three of a Kind," which has Benny in the 20th Century Fox commissary trying to explain his role to Tyrone Power and Randolph Scott as a bellhop asks his approval on a girdle, a dress and shoes. It's very good.

Jack Benny was a wonderful actor and comedian with a great, dry, sometimes exasperated delivery. He made audiences laugh for years. Thanks to the existence of his radio shows and movies, he's still doing it.
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This "Drag" Comedy Never Drags!
Film-Fan22 September 1999
During his life Jack Benny often joked about the poor quality of many of his films, but "Charley's Aunt" doesn't deserve such criticism. This "drag" comedy never drags!

Benny's humor, perhaps a bit subdued for today's audiences, nevertheless shines in "Charley's Aunt." It doesn't hurt that he's in drag for a good part of the movie...A man in a dress can always be counted on for a few laughs!

But the basic story is amusing in itself, with Benny (broadly!) impersonating a maiden aunt and chaperoning for his buddies and their girlfriends. Naturally, there are a couple of older gentlemen who take a fancy to the "aunt" adding more complications to the story.

"Charle's Aunt" is rarely shown on television, but worth a look if you happen to stumble upon it.
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CHARLEY'S AUNT (Archie L. Mayo, 1941) *** and THREE OF A KIND (N/A, 1941) ***
Bunuel19763 January 2009
Once one accepts the archaically broad comedy conventions at play, this is a very funny film adaptation of the celebrated cross-dressing farce (Joshua Logan's contemporaneous stage version had starred Jose' Ferrer!). Legendary comedian Jack Benny stars as a British lord and longtime Oxford student(!) who is forced by his best friends (James Ellison and a debuting Richard Haydn) to pose as the latter's wealthy Brazilian aunt in order to act as chaperon when meeting their girlfriends. Initially, the uncle (Edmund Gwenn) of one of the girls (a thankless role for Anne Baxter) is contrary to their union but soon changes his tune when he realizes whom Haydn is related to; however, he has to contend with the amorous rivalry of Ellison's own penniless father (Laird Cregar – who, at 25, was younger than his on screen son but, nevertheless, convincingly plays a 51-year old roué)! The fine cast is rounded up by Kay Francis (quite lovely as Charley's real aunt), Reginald Owen (amusing as the hapless Dean) and Claud Allister (hilariously appearing at the start as one of two unperturbed gentlemen spectators at an accident-prone cricket match). Not everything works, alas: Gwenn's character arch from stern guardian to undignified fortune hunter is as hard to take as the bland romance between Baxter and Haydn but, ultimately, Jack Benny's frenzied comic antics triumph over such hurdles.

An interesting extra on the CHARLEY'S AUNT DVD is this fun promotional short which is very rare for films of its era. It finds star Jack Benny taking time off for lunch at the Fox studio mess hall, when he runs first into Tyrone Power and then Randolph Scott. Naturally, they all start talking about their current action-packed projects – with Power enthusiastic about his latest romantic flagwaver A YANK IN THE R.A.F. (1941) and Scott ditto about the Technicolored Western BELLE STARR (1941). However, Benny makes things up in an effort to avoid discussing his current gender-bending role…though he's not helped by the fact that, from time to time, a bellboy turns up with various parts of his feminine outfit seeking the star's approval! When he eventually confesses, it's Power and Scott's turn to sulk as they bemoan their typecasting as rugged action stars and admit to craving juicy parts such as Benny always gets; indeed, for the latter (and the audience's) benefit, they provide background detail about the "Charley's Aunt" play – including the fact that it's one of the most popular (and hilarious) pieces ever written.
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Hilarious! Jack Benny does his greatest movie work in this film!
JHW39 September 1999
I saw this movie about 25 years ago and have never seen it since. I've asked around about it for years, and nobody knows anything about it. Video stores don't carry it, and, of course, the young people who work in these stores have never heard ot it. It stars Jack Benny in what, I believe, is his greatest and funniest movie role. It has stood out in my mind for all these years as a truly hilarious movie, and, when I ran across it in IMDb, I wanted to be sure to add my favorable opinion to the list of comments.
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Box office with Benny
bkoganbing18 March 2015
Since Brandon Thomas's play Charley's Aunt debuted on the London stage its popularity is unabated to this day. Somewhere in this world there's a stock company doing this material and some actor regaling his audience with the image of that cigar smoking matronly aunt in drag.

For an English play this 1941 version boasts a mixed cast of Americans and English players that 20th Century Fox assembled. Purists would surely object to this mixed cast. But Darryl Zanuck in casting Jack Benny in the lead had guaranteed box office with one of the most popular radio stars around.

James Ellison and Richard Haydn are trying to make time with a pair of young girls visiting Oxford played by Anne Baxter and Arleen Whelan. They kind of blackmail their roommate Jack Benny into donning the drag he will be using for one of the Oxford theater society plays into being Haydn's long lost aunt from Brazil.

Trouble is that the long lost aunt has at the same time turned up in the United Kingdom. Kay Francis for reasons of her own has decided to visit her nephew Richard Haydn at Oxford. After this the story becomes hilariously confusing as both Edmund Gwenn as Baxter's guardian and Laird Cregar as Ellison's father become quite taken with Benny in drag. Think of Joe E. Brown in Some Like It Hot.

Gwenn is an old miser who enjoys a rich income being the guardian of Baxter and her fortune. As for Cregar in real life he was three years younger than Ellison his son. But Cregar was a classically trained character actor could play a variety of parts. Back in the day Charles Laughton whose career Cregar's was starting to resemble said that the censor's could never censor the gleam in his eyes. Cregar had an exponential gleam in this and other parts. Sadly he would die within a few years.

Probably an English production would capture the entire essence of Charley's Aunt. But the British were never blessed to claim Jack Benny as one of their own.
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This is the best version by far!
JohnHowardReid2 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Thanks to the enthusiasm and capable acting by the entire cast, as well as the opulently mounted art direction by Richard Day and Nathan Juran, this venerable stage vehicle comes across rather well. True, Archie Mayo's direction is not particularly distinguished. Nor could George Seaton's screenplay be described as a model of cinematic adaptation. But the film was made in a workmanlike fashion and its gains kudos for its lavish production values. Jack Benny plays "Babs" with an endearing enthusiasm, and receives excellent support from Kay Francis, James Ellison, Anne Baxter, Edmund Gwenn, Laird Cregar, Reginald Owen, Arleen Whelan, Ernest Cossart and company. It's still very much a filmed stage play, despite its cinematic opening sequence which includes some particularly well-timed slapstick. But then it goes straight into the play which has been filmed mostly in long takes – though they are skillfully disguised by fluid camera movements and smooth inter-cutting. Sad to say, the play itself has now lost its position as the most successful (in monetary terms) comedy ever written. Its author, Brandon Thomas was not a professional writer. The son of a Liverpool shoemaker, he was born on Christmas Day, 1848. At the age of twelve, he became a shipwright's apprentice in order to support his mother who took in lodgers – mostly actors who were always behind with their rent money! Eventually, Brandon took up acting himself and started to write plays – both with the same lack of success. One day, W.S. Penley, a highly successful London comedian, happened to cast his eye over one of Brandon's manuscripts. "This isn't bad!" he told the young author. "Why don't you write a comedy for me?" Young Thomas scratched his head. "What sort of a comedy?" he asked. "You've played every character under the sun! Wait a minute! Have you ever thought of playing a woman?" The play's record-breaking London run of 1,466 performances was only outclassed – until Agatha Christie came along – by "Chu Chin Chow" (a play so popular that its author, Oscar Asche, became such a household word that in rhyming slang, "Oscar Asche" became a synonym for "cash". "Got any Oscar Asche?" my grand-dad would often ask.)
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Charley's Aunt: The Hunt May Be at an End
greenboy5429 September 2001
I loved the movie, but like the subscribee above, I haven't seen it in 20 years or so. It's not available on video in any country and I've checked every specialty video line--- no-one has it. The good news is that I'm told someone saw a copy on ebay this week. It's not there now, but if there's one out there, there must be more. Check ebay through October. It's Jack's film best after "To Be or Not to Be" in my opinion and better than "Horn" or "George Washington Slept

Here" (3rd place?) Anyway, If I find one, I'll cheer
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Mildly entertaining
planktonrules11 April 2009
A couple reviewers have commented that this film is not available, though it is now available on DVD. Unfortunately, some of Jack Benny's other films (such as THE MEANEST MAN IN THE WORLD) are not.

Jack Benny plays perhaps the oldest college student ever filmed. At 47 years of age, casting this comedian seemed like an awfully big stretch. Through a series of mistakes, Benny pretends to be a rich widow in order to avoid being kicked out of college. Unfortunately, this ruse snowballs when two men fall for "her" and the real lady widow appears on the scene!

CHARLEY'S AUNT is a film that is based on a play produced in 1892 and has been filmed on several occasions. This is the second American sound version and it is quite polished and clever (with an excellent supporting cast)--though the film also shows a bit of its age. While funny, it also seemed rather old fashioned and familiar--perhaps too familiar--with much similarity to many other films involving a man dressing up as a lady. Perhaps in 1941 it was a hit, but today it just seemed very reminiscent of too many other films, such as SOME LIKE IT HOT and TOOTSIE--both of which are better films. One of the main reasons is not just the script but Benny seemed miscast due to his age AND he just didn't look or sound like a lady. Dustin Hoffman and Jack Lemmon definitely seemed more suited for their parts.

Still, despite these shortcomings, it's a pleasant time-passer and a film that is hard to hate.
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So Bad I Couldn't Believe it--and I'm Benny Fan!
curtis-86 April 2010
My wife and I tried to watch this thing last night and we didn't get any further than 40 minutes into it. This thing was painfully unfunny. I have been listening to mp3s of the old Jack Benny radio program during my daily commute for the past few months and the man was brilliant on the radio. That show is classic and the man was great on it. So, that's why I rented Charly's Aunt--to see some of that brilliance on the screen. Well, I think Benny was trying, but there was just nothing working right in this slow, stagy, talky, stiff, loud attempt at farce. The distractingly bad English accents from the mainly American cast aside, there simply wasn't a single laugh in the 40 minutes I was able to get through. And I usually LOVE the old classic B&W comedies. I could see where they were trying to go with a few of the jokes, but the timing of the performances were so off that even those weak attempts were crushed. And the director never seemed to know when to stop a scene or where to put the camera either. The movie was so lamely incoherent that I spent most of my time trying to figure out what the people who made it even thought was supposed to be funny. Rent one of the classic farces like Arsenic and Old Lace, or one of Howard Hawk's screwball comedies, or even one of the Old Bob Hope comedies from the 40s and you'll see how it's supposed to be done. The people who gave this more than one star saw a different film than I did!
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what a gas!
disdressed1217 April 2009
what a riot this film is,once it gets going.the first 30 minutes are just the setup.from that point on,it's gas.Benny is hysterical in drag.i laughed my but off at his hi-jinks.i even had tears in my eyes at times.this is surely a classic.if not,it should be.Jack Benny of course takes centre stage here,but the supporting performances are very good,as's based on a very successful stage play,but it translates well to the's also been made into a movie at least once before.if you're a Jack Benny fan,you can't afford to miss this gem.even if you're not a fan of Jack Benny,or don't even know who he is,you should catch this film for the great writing and the slapstick.and it's a good introduction to Benny.for me,Charley's Aunt is a 9/10
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Requires several stretches but worth it, in a weird way.
slothropgr12 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Most cross-dressing films ("Crying Game" excepted) require a fundamental stretch of the imagination--that Dustin Hoffman, Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon (and Tom Hanks for that matter) can all be accepted as women with only a wig, a dress and a falsetto voice. Hoffman took the disguise farther since "Tootsie" was a much milder farce, and almost succeeded, but still there was that voice. Jack Benny in drag requires far more of a stretch than the rest, as he is easily the uuuugliest cross-dresser ever. Wearing only a bad wig and a Mother Hubbard over rolled-up pants (from which much humor derives), he could well have been used as the model for J. Thaddeus Toad's female get-up in Disney's "Wind in the Willows." What makes it funnier is, he's the most reluctant female impersonator of all, and not above mixing it up in most manly fashion with the fellow students who have coerced him into this masquerade. You can get the plot from several other reviews. What's weird is that the two gorgeous ingénues in the flick (one of them Anne Baxter, long before Eve and Nefertiri) spend a lot of time necking with this supposed old lady, and not reluctantly. WE know "she's" a man but THEY don't, yet there they sit smooching it up with "her" and enjoying it. Kinky-winky, as Paul (center square) Lynde used to say. Fortunately for those who find all this a bit too odd even for farce there's the wavishing Kay Fwancis, wavishing indeed, as the title character and reason for all this foolishness, and along with Laird Cregar (playing it straight for once) the calm center of the storm. Quite funny even if some of it is unswallowable.
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Great Jack Benny
drednm11 September 2005
Lousy copy on CD from ebay that wouldn't play all the way through but from what I could see it looked funny. I've seen the 1930 version starring Charlie Ruggles so I already knew the story.

Jack Benny masquerades as Charley's aunt and gets involved in several scrapes while a student at Oxford. Good cast with Jack Benny in one of his best roles. Kay Francis as the real aunt. James Ellison and Richard Haydn as the school friends, Anne Baxter and Arleen Whelan as the girls. Laird Cregar and Edmund Gwenn vie for Benny's hand. Reginald Owen is a professor.

Best scene (I could see) had Cregar teasing Benny with a bottle of champagne and spilling it on a table. Benny (in old lady clothes) leaps onto the table to lick up the booze.....

Oh well.....
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A different Benny film with some good gags
NellsFlickers11 April 2020
The first few scenes of this version of "Charley's Aunt" almost made me not watch the rest of it. Thankfully, things picked up a bit once Jack Benny put on the dress! Sure enough, after doing a little reading about the original play, I found out that those very scenes were in fact different than the original story!

Most of the casting is good, though Benny seems a bit out of place, as does James Ellison. The fake British accents were a bit too much, and thankfully seemed to be forgotten part way through filming. But Benny does an admiral job as Aunt Donna Lucia, especially with the sight gags. Laird Cregar was actually under 30, younger than the man he was playing the father of! The three female leads look stunning in their costumes.

Get past the beginning, and you end up with a fun little movie with some good sight gags.
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Dragging a bit
sb-47-6087377 November 2019
The premises of the movie has been covered in detail, so I won't go into that. The movie starts well, at it of course includes the student's honour aspect. One shouldn't wonder why Bab's didn't point out the actual culprit, and prefer to take the blame on himself, this at least in my hostel days were THE way of life. The movie after promising start, drags just a bit, and especially the two friends seem too callous and selfish, well, not worth being called a friend. They had their problems, but were not ready to adjust, to at least once in a while address to some of the genuine problems of Babs.

Incidentally, Babs any way would have been sheep-herding in New Zealand, had he antagonised his uncle's major client, Mrs Smythe. In fact, Charlie & Co, in their self-centred view, didn't even try to adjust Bab's responsibilities.

But the movie came back to track, once Mr Smythe, kay Francis came to screen. I have seen quite a few of her movies, and liked her, but due to her serious and histrionics (most of them in soap or semi-soap). But after watching this, I have to wonder why her screwball capability was never utilised by Holly? She had as radiant a personality as Rosalind and hogged the screen like her, and watching this one, there is no doubt of her possible success in that field. Why did they miss it ? The points are all for Benny and Kay, the personalities of the four (other) love-birds would be in fact a drag on these two's points. Thankfully they didn't stay for long on screen.
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The Nuts may come from Brazil, but they reside at Oxford!
mark.waltz1 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Umpteen film versions of the classic farce have been filmed, and this one (along with the rarely seen musical version) ranks as the most famous. Jack Benny is about as British as I am, but he delightfully parodies the eccentricities of his fellow Oxford residents, mincing deliciously when he is forced to dress up as Whistler's Mother to be a chaperon for his roommates and their lady friends. Pretending to be one of their aunts, he is unprepared for the real aunt's arrival, she being totally amused by his identity theft and the fact that the faker couldn't be any more different than she is. She's the lovely Kay Francis, and he looks like something that would turn a cucumber into a pickle without the use of vinegar.

It's surprising to see Richard Haydn in a straight romantic role considering his comic character parts in films like "Sitting Pretty" and "The Sound of Music". Joined by the handsome James Ellison, they are excellent comic agitators to Benny's blackmailed female impersonator. Anne Baxter and Arleen Whelan are appropriately giddy young girls mostly utilized as window dressing, but oh, what a view... Francis turns a small role (approximately 20 minutes on screen) into a nice return to "A" films after being neglected in her last years at Warner Brothers and reminds how charming she was in light hearted roles. Eccentric portrayals by Edmund Gwenn (hysterically chasing Benny), Reginald Owen and Laird Cregar (having to get blitzed to romance Benny's female character) are excellently bumbling and filled with droll humor.

I should mention the British version made around the same time called "Charley's Big-Hearted Aunt" with Arthur Askey which is not as well known in the States but very funny in a different way with some twists not used in the other versions.
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Charley's Aunt on video - updated
carver14 June 2006
I have also looked for a video of this for years and found it recently at the Forgotten Films web site. (Unfortunately, as of 2008 they seem to have gone out of business) The quality of the print is only fair. It is recorded at EP speed, but clear enough to enjoy the fun. Benny is very droll and Kay Francis looks like she's having a lot of fun. Edmund Gwenn turns in an almost madcap performance as well. Also look for Anne Baxter playing the ingénue. I think this is funnier than the Charlie Ruggles version, though the latter comes pretty close. I recommend the video only with the caveat mentioned above - at least it's a way to view the film. It's about time Fox Movie Channel or TCM finally aired this little stage gem on television, and whoever has the rights to it cleans it up and makes it available .
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Benny Superb as Charley's Aunt
jht17617 August 2006
1941 was the season for two comedies starring the inimitable Jack Benny with Charley's Aunt released in 1941 and the filming of Ernst Lubitsch's To Be or Not To Be starring Benny and Carol Lombard in what was unfortunately her last film which was released early in 1942.

Both are great ensemble films, and both stand the test of time. I find it difficult to say which of Benny's two characterizations I find the better; so, I must group them together as proof that Jack Benny was one of film's best but also one of its most under-appreciated comic actors.

Benny is Charley's aunt just as he is Joseph Tura in To Be or Not To Be. Yes, some of Benny's persona with its slow takes that was a mainstay of his TV persona for so many years is evident in both films but, I might add, in entirely different ways and definitely in keeping wit the two roles.

Benny is not just Benny but a great actor who has managed to assume the character of the two roles.

Charley's Aunt continues to be performed and continues to be filmed; nevertheless, I recommend any film buff and any troupe planning on presenting Charley's Aunt to watch the Jack Benny version again and then again.
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Oh, Donna Lucia! Donna Lucia! What a great comedy.
SimonJack22 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Forget about American or English accents in this film. The attempts themselves even add to the humor - almost as though they were contrived to have that effect. Forget that this was a stage play first, and that much of this movie seems as though it were filmed on stage. Forget about critiquing the qualities of the production. All of those things are OK here, but they're of little substance. Rather, the content, the plot and the characters and actors are what make "Charley's Aunt" a truly great film. It's one of the funniest, most outlandish comedies ever made into a movie.

Every scene in this film has some humor. Most are hilarious. Each character contributes deliciously to the plot. All of the cast are excellent in their roles. And what a marvelous cast 20th Century Fox assembled for this romp around Oxford.

Jack Benny is the quintessential actor to play the lead double role of Lord Babbs Babberley and the stand-in Donna Lucia d'Alvadorez. His scenes as Donna Lucia with Stephen Spettigue are over the top hilarious. Spettigue is a money-grubbing, gold-digger who only wants to marry Donna Lucia for her money. And, he won't let his niece or her friend and his ward, Amy and Kitty, out of his clutches until he finds a replacement or better income for his stewardship. The talented Edmund Gwenn plays Spettigue, a role so out of character from his 1947 Kris Kringle that won him an Oscar for "Miracle on 34th Street." It's hard to believe this is the same actor, but he's a riot in every scene here.

Reginald Owen is very funny as Dean Redcliff. The number of physical clashes he has with Babbs and Babbs as Donna Lucia are hilarious. Richard Haydn and James Ellison play schoolmates of Babbs (who is now in his tenth year at Oxford), Charley Wyckham and Jack Chesney. They have their eyes on Amy and Kitty, played by Anne Baxter and Arleen Whelan. The girls have some wonderfully funny lines in helping the boys propose to them. Laird Cregar plays Jack's dad, Sir Francis Chesney. He has a riotously funny scene with Babbs as Donna Lucia, before he learns the truth. They play grab the whiskey bottle until it finally falls off the table and spills.

Finally, Kay Francis lends some charm to the whole affair, with knowing approval after she recognizes Babbs as her pretender. She's the real Donna Lucia, and she has gone undercover to visit Oxford and check on the girl whom her nephew, Charley, wants to marry. She had heard from the Babberley law firm - headed by Babbs' uncle, that there are gold diggers on the prowl to marry young men who are wealthy or who may come into riches one day. The beautiful Donna Lucia had married a wealthy Brazilian, and he had died a while back.

A frequent line occurs in the film about Brazil that brings a laugh every time. Charley, Babbs and others say it - "Brazil where the nuts come from."

This movie has many comedic twists. Donna Lucia is attracted to Babbs, and the hilarious film has laughs at every turn. Babbs holds all the parts together in his frantic changes between characters. Watching this marvelous comedy is a sure bet for an evening of laughter.
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